
News. Заявка на расчет/оформление страхования

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Расчет на сайте служит для предварительного ознакомления с тарифами и не является итоговым предложением клиентам компании.

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Стоимость договора составляет: 0 тенге

Ремонт по оценке эксперта или спец. СТО:
по оценке эксперта

При повреждении- 1% от страховой суммы, но не менее 30 000 тенге
При полной гибели и утрате – 10% от страховой суммы.

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Расчет на сайте служит для предварительного ознакомления с тарифами и не является итоговым предложением клиентам компании.

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Расчет на сайте служит для предварительного ознакомления с тарифами и не является итоговым предложением клиентам компании.

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Popular types of insurance for legal entities in Kazakhstan

Nail Salakhov, a specialist in the field of corporate insurance and reinsurance, will share his expert opinion.

Insurance for legal entities in Kazakhstan plays an important role in ensuring financial security and business sustainability. Let's look at the TOP3 popular types of insurance that are widely used by enterprises and organizations in Kazakhstan.

1. Liability insurance: This type of insurance is designed to protect businesses from liability for harm to the health or property of third parties as a result of the use of their products.

2. Property insurance: provides protection of the company's property from various risks such as fire, natural disasters, vandalism, theft, etc. This type of insurance helps in business recovery after accidents.

3. Vehicle insurance: legal entities can insure their fleet against accidents, theft and other risks. This is important to ensure the smooth operation of logistics and transport processes.

The choice of the optimal insurance package depends on the specific needs and nature of the business. Kazakhmys Insurance Company will help you choose the best insurance policy option to ensure reliable protection of your company in a changeable business environment.
