Property insurance
A PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE AGREEMENT is a simple and modern way to avoid unpredictable expenses due to office/utility space renovation and the replacement of the damaged property. After all, insuring the property is easier and more beneficial than incurring unexpected material losses.
WHY do you need a property damage insurance agreement
In order to indemnify possible damages
If your office or property within it is damaged as a result of an insurance event, "Kazakhmys” Insurance Company shall pay you a monetary indemnity that will help you to make a renovation and minimize the damages.
For you not to be made homeless
If you have fully insured your office/utility spaces etc. for their actual cost (including structural elements), then, if it is deemed unusable as a result of an insurance event, you will receive the funds to acquire living space (minus amortization and franchise).
Calculate the cost Calculate yourself
We offer you several property insurance plans with the most favorable terms for you: